We are so excited and happy to announce that we'll be collaborating with Rio Cocktail Lounge the number 1 leading chilled sophisticated lounge\club in Kimberly, Northern Cape for our 1st Annual Chunky Rocks Party\Celebration in honour of millions of full-figured and curvy women.This is the Lasfab Models Plus Size Model Auditions After-Party,Come through and experience this amazing celebration with special guest Thick Leeyonce. skater prom dress
Make sure that you are dressed to shine like a star...Dress code:Fashion Smart Casual or Classic Semi-Formal.Get your red carpet game on. # WeAreFashion # IAmLASFAB # RioAndLasfab # LasfabAndLeeyonce # ChubbyGirls # ChunkyRocks # LasfabModels17 # Plussize # LasfabPlusSizeAudition17 # GoodMusicAtRio # Fashion # FashionBlogger # Art # Photography