The next Sunday, Pastor George, after the closing of the service gathered all the workers in the church: choir, ushers, sunday school teachers, instrumentalists, Elders and sanitation members together for a meeting. He disclosed to the workers what recently happened between the member and the chorister, thereby urging them to intercede for the couple in prayer and fasting, they were all shocked and surprised. He continued, saying "I urge you God's beloved, to please do the right things in the sight of the Lord, you as husband, never beat your wife, no matter the gravity of the offence she might have committed, you the wife, make sure you honor and respect your husband as the head, and also, couple should pray together always, because the devil takes delight in ruining a happy home. Every Devil assigned to stop your marriage, catch fire in the name of Jesus". "Amen sir, thank you very much sir", chorused the workers. long sleeved prom party items
As the pastor was about to leave the church, a female chorister walked up to him and said "Sir, please can I ride with you in your car, since my house is along the way to your house sir", "no problem", said the pastor. So she entered the car with the pastor, and then he zoomed off.
Along the way, the female chorister was trying to expose her laps for the pastor to see, she was adjusting her skirt up, in order to seduce the pastor, as the pastor saw it, he said "Sister Mary, what are you trying to do? Seduce me! "No sir", said the chorister, trying to adjust her skirt down. The Pastor said, "That is what you are trying to do, you want me to commit........", "Ha, No sir, I was adjusting my skirt, am sorry sir" said the chorister. "You had better be" said the pastor. He dropped her off at her apartment and zoomed off immediately, it was then he thought of getting a wife quickly, so he won't fall into temptation by these unmarried ladies.
Comment "Am Listening"
I will then post page 2
Let's keep moving........