June 1972.....Med Cruise (USS JOHN F KENNEDY CVA-67, Deck Div.) "SPAIN"! On a small back alley street in Barcelona inside the Primer Salon Del Toro "The First Bull Saloon". I was sipping my sangria on a hot and humid summer afternoon. There was an attractive older women in a red dress with black hard hail shoes standing by the bar, she would dance for money while her partner an old man in the corner was singing while stringing a black and red guitar. I walked over and ... asked her if she would dance for me for a few pesedas more as I pointed at the juke box over by the door. I dared her to dance to something different something with a little spice as I slipped a quarter in that box and played Santana's "Soul Sacrifice"! Her body stiffened forward went her chin she gave a little smile and then a steely grin, she threw her arms and hands straight up into the air as she started dancing all around me with that classic flamingo flair. I felt like I was in a movie and I was Sinbad who sailed across the sea and now I'm in a scene with a Gypsy Queen and she's dancing just for me........Remembering Aza and Pietro gala dresses
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