My collection,Afridi & soyeb aktar I liked them for they were well played,my some collection,I never liked to saw my favourite game tennis,football,cricket after my father's death,I never joined in Judicial service,Anti Corruption Director,applied for Asst Director of Defence Ministry 9yrs few months ago,this area's people never know law,morality,humanity,they r supporters of Pakistan and Afganisthani taalbaan,they were related Tamil & Singholi clash,they liked to break Babri Mosjid,Mondir related to election crimes,kasmir related and Maharastho related crimes,islamic terrorist,i knew that from my father,we r moderate Muslim,my father hair lost so he covered head,he supporters of Awami League,i supported world politics,but Sunni Muslim,i never like to interrupt on another political views and another religious people,people who caught this area's people to blackmail them,to cyber crimes their laptops and mobiles theft dacioty in this reason,some killed on spot their dead bodies never be found,they have ancient arms I saw in my balcony,coz the 2buldings east and west side building's of Bankers and canada embassy related house they didn't knew the law of Rajuk Act almost 2feet gap the house must be built,our 6 rooms almost dark side for they never knew the law,some people used their titles to how much illiterate they were but they were not properly educated,when my forefathers came to this area the regime of British so they never like to use their name title,we lived in 3rd floor I forcefully sat on Balcony coz the whole room were dark,they liked to humiliate us who sometimes anticipatory bails by my father's favour,my 3rd floor to road almost 30 feet difference,they liked to do such kind of lowest crimes for money,some relatives liked to rent by our flat to criticise of us with who criticized of me almost 16 yrs without no reason,I have no connection with them,who gossiping of another families childrens they liked but their own families had broken,they r drug addicted,related to cyber crimes,misuse of maid servants, kidnapped women and childrens with export with garments products,some false national id's created,false instruments created, I saw them in cyber cafes,some opposition of liberation war and who have ego problem also punished by my father's in jail their relatives came,who lived in BBaira who is family planning officer in singair,Mymensing who lived in May flower's building's 4th building,they sometimes lived in poverty and slam,they run with ancient arms,related to unsocial activities,missing cases never be found their dead bodies,had threatened someone,and almost tried to attempt to murder of me almost 33times the whole Dhaka city,coz I liked to visit our Dhaka city,their relatived studied ,lived and worked in some areas like Mirpur,kajipara,adabor,savar,shahbagh, bridesmaid dresses for tall ladies
panthopoth,uttora,tongi which home district,kachpur, Munsigonj,gulisthan,gulshan,Banani,
Mohakhali,Baddya,Baridhara,Iqbal road,
Asad gate, drivers of mirpur,tetulia,agargao,and another who servant,Japan city garden,police sergeants,some vehicles and drivers,who drives rickshaw,Army sergeant,election commission some stuffs,some BCS officials,banking official,private and public related jobs,sadharghat,Amin bazaar,satmosjid road,sankar,rapa plaza,Genetic plaza,A R plaza,some restuarents,furnitures shop's,buses helper of mirpur,savar,sadarghat,tempo of mirpur and farmgate their drivers,Basundhara shopping Mall and Jamuna Future park some people worked they r this kiljee road relatives,related to terrorist activities and anti terrorism Act related crimes and narcotic act related crimes,their relatives and frnds also lived in 64 districts and richest peoples right and left hands and some lived in katar,oman,saudi,afganisthan,iran,USA, canada,Australia,UK worked as saloon,drain cleaner,terrorists right and left hands,i never accepted them as my neighbours who have no relation but liked to criticise another families,I have personality,so I don't care.I liked world politics,famous persons,anywhere crickters,football players,singers actress ,actors,detectives,journalists, Teachers,who earned money to do hard work,
news reporters,basketball players,hockey players,politicians,deplometic,Judges,
scientists,social science department professors,bankers,Queen,researcher,
Defences I liked their personalities,so I firm bliv in Allah, researcher of PhD ,when I.completed almost Master of Philosophy,I continued my Job of Pubali Bank 3 yrs ago almost 1yrs 7monrhs,coz I didn't think any job is useless,but too much genius never do any kind of job,science genius read arts so that's never be great matter,our last prophet shill just like Bangladeshi flag,and army,my 1st target was joined to army I liked south indian and western dance,but my father objection I have to see my whole family better than my father.I finally win